26 Sep Gentle and Responsive Sleep Techniques for Bub
Hi there! My name is Eliza and I own and run The Gentle Sleep Mum. I am a certified Infant and Child Sleep Consultant using gentle and responsive methods to sleep (no cry it out here!). I am a mum of a nearly one year old and absolutely love being a mum, even though it came with its fair share of cat naps and night wakes!
I am delighted to be part of this blog post today to give yousome insight and helpful tips for your child’s sleep!
1. What are your top tips for parents who are struggling getting bub to sleep?
My top tips for getting your little one to sleep if their struggling is to create a calming wind down or bedtime routine before each nap and bedtime, this will help your bub calm and relax before settling to sleep.
Following a routine or age appropriate awake windows for your child’s age will really help to make sure they aren’t under tired or over tired and make settling to sleep a lot easier and can lead to longer nap durations.
Making sure your little one has a nice big feed before their nap or bedtime, this way you aren’t trying to settle a hungry baby.
Contacting myself to assist you with your struggles! Sometimes it can be hard to pinpoint what’s going on and it can be really overwhelming so seeking the support if you need is really important for your whole family to get the sleep you deserve.
2. Does room temperature effect the child’s sleep? What are the signs if bub is too hot or cold?
Yes, it sure does! If your little one is cold or hot, this can cause them to become quite uncomfortable and cause them to wake frequently due to being cold or thirsty due to being hot. Your newborn can also be at risk of overheating if there are too many layers.
A comfortable sleeping temperature is between 18-20 degrees, although there is no “safe” temperature, so your little one should be dressed accordingly to the temperature of your room to keep them safe. This can be done using a TOG rated sleeping bag or swaddle such as Ergo Pouch.
To check your baby’s temperature, don’t check their hands and feet, check their back and chest as this is their core and radiates the most heat.
The signs your baby is cold can be:
– Leaking through their nappy and clothes.
– If your child does a poo in the early morning.
– If your little one is sleeping with their bum in the air and hands tucked under their body.
The signs your baby is hot:
– They may wake to feed very often due to being dehydrated.
– Sweaty.
– Clammy.
– If they are limp and non responsive, call 000.
3. How does screen time effect a baby and toddlers sleep?
Screen time can play a huge negative roll in your child’s sleep especially in the lead up to bedtime. Using any screen such as an iPad or tv, can affect how quickly your child falls asleep and how long they sleep for. Screen time stimulates your child’s brain when we want them to be winding down for the night. The blue light from screens also suppresses melatonin production and delays sleepiness. I recommend turning off all screens 1-2 hours before bed, use this time to connect with your children through play, reading books etc. Trust me, I know TV can be a saviour some days, but it really does have its benefits to turning off the screens 1-2 hours before bed!
4. What is one myth or common misconception about sleep you’ve heard?
I’m sure someone would have said to you at least once “put that baby down,you’ll spoil them”.. It’s impossible to spoil a baby! Your little one has just spent 9 months inside the womb, all they know is you. You’re not creating “bad habits”or “a rod for your own back”, you’re doing exactly what is biologically normal and perfectly okay.
5. What do you recommend for setting up an ideal and safe sleep space for Bub?
To set up a safe sleep space for your child, I suggest you follow the Red NoseSafe Sleep Guidelines. Red Nose State: “ A safe sleeping environment means that all potential dangers have been removed and the baby is sleeping in a safeplace. The ideal place for a baby to sleep is in a safe cot, on a safe mattress,with safe bedding in a safe sleeping place, both night and day.”
These guidelines are in place to keep your child safe from the risk of SIDS or SUDI.