30 Nov Illawarra Public Little Aid Workshops
Want to learn how to save your babies life, but you don’t have a group? Join us for one of our public Little Aid Workshops where anyone can attend. The course covers everything that a parent, grandparent or carer needs to know. Click here to see what topics are covered in the workshop.
Duration: 3 hours
Check out our Virtual Workshops or organise a Private Workshop with us instead!
What topics are included in the Little Aid workshop?
- The crucial steps to basic life support
- How to manage severe bleeding
- Head injuries
- Identifying the symptoms of meningococcal
- Croup
- Fever and febrile convulsions
- Anaphylaxis and Epipen use
- Burns
- Choking
- CPR (the various techniques used for a baby, toddler and adult)
Can I bring my baby to the Little Aid Workshop?
Absolutely! It wouldn’t be Little Aid without Little people!
What is the minimum/maximum number of people for a private Little Aid Workshop?
The minimum requirement to host a private Little Aid Workshop is 6 people. We do not have a maximum number, however if we feel that the group is becoming too large we may bring an additional trainer along at no extra charge to you.
Who is the Little Aid Workshop tailored towards?
Everyone! We highly recommend our workshop to parents, nannies, grandparents and babysitters. Basically anyone who will be looking after your child.
How long does the Little Aid Workshop go for?
2.5 – 3 hours depending on the size of the group and questions.
I live in a small apartment; can I still hold a Little Aid Workshop?
We love cozy! All we ask is that each participant has enough room to sit on the floor with a mannequin.
What if I don’t have big group, how can I attend a Little Aid Workshop?
Rescueblue holds Public Little Aid Workshops monthly that anyone can attend. These are held in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney, normally around the Bondi area.